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Most popular questions:

What forms of payment does FastSpring accept?

FastSpring accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Optima, Discover(Novus), Diner's Club, Eurocard, Carte Blanche, JCB).
We also accept checks, cash, purchase orders (when accompanied by a check) and money orders. We process orders in over 40 currencies.
You may send cash or checks in non U.S. currency. If you select the cash option on the order form, there is a feature which allows you to choose from over 40 currencies.
If you are paying by check in a non US currency, first select the cash option, find out your order's price in your country's currency, then go back and select the check option and complete your order. Although your order's price will be displayed in USD, you may make out your check for the equivalent amount in your country's currency.
If you are sending a check in USD, but drawn on a bank outside the U.S., the order must be for $100 or over.
Unfortunately, FastSpring do not accept Pay Pal at this time.

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