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Most popular questions:

Where can I download songs, I am not very good using internet?

Our website is a commercial one, and it’s forbidden to download songs without paying copyright. It’s impossible for us to give MP3 files, Midi or any other format of music files. On the other hand, here are some small advices to help you in your queries. Visit our Link page at https://www.delmp3karaoke.com/links_en.html to find some addresses where you can download music files. You can also create your own karaoke using the DMK editor. To learn how to create a .kok, consult our user manual at https://www.delmp3karaoke.com/manu_en.html To find instrumental MP3 (without the signing voice), you can use a software such as Kazaa (www.kazaa.com) Or WinMX (www.winmx.com) and search by adding "instrumental" at the end of the search query.

Related Topics:

General questions.
General software questions.
Questions on music files format.

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Sing along on your favorites with our karaoke software. DEL MP3 Karaoke © the software, to reach the karaoke lover in you.